Found chip on casino floor

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Sep 2, 2010 ... The casinos sweep up a huge number of these every night. ... all of which are bogus, especially the hiding of chips on casino floors. ... She responded, "Trust me, if someone drops a chip and can't find it, they're not letting it go.

Since then, the casino and police have had no luck finding the person that stole the chip. It is guessed that it was an employee who got away with the chip. Casinos - FAQ - Wizard of Odds Participation machines are turned over much more rapidly because the manufacturer has a vested interest in keeping the best product on the floor. Australia’s Federal Group installs KISS Casino Management KISS casino management software is an easy to use and highly effective reporting system that gives you total control of cash and chip movement on the casino floor. MotorCity Casino Hotel - Wikipedia

What not to do with a found slot ticket - Casino City Times

found on floor on busy night. steady stream of people walking same pathway. What should he do if he wants to try to cash in. Not sure how rare ... How to Tell a Real Casino Chip from a Fake One - Blog Jan 12, 2019 ... Some casinos adopt a more lax approach to found chips, although prowling around casino floors looking for lost chips or unclaimed pennies in ...

The Blue Chip Casino was my first experience going to a casino. I had so much fun, I am now hooked on casinos. I don’t care much for the blackjack ...However, actual bodies on the floor didn’t give the feeling of being in a maximum security prison. All in all, it was a great time and I would definitely go...

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Casino token - Wikipedia

Thieves have found rich pickings from casino gamblers accidentally dropping chips worth up to $1000 on the floor, documents released under Right to Information laws reveal. Vintage Sands Chips Unearthed : Collectors prices for these chips range from $450-500 for the $5 chip to $2,100-$3,099 for the $25 and $100 chips - in mint condition. Being that these chips are thrashed from spending 30 years trapped in concrete, their collectible value considerably less on the collectors market. FAQ - gambling - finders keepers | Las Vegas Advisor If I Find a Casino Chip on the Floor, Is It Mine To Keep? You might think that the answer to this question would be unambiguous, but in fact it's something of a gray area, since it isn't actually covered by law.